Kellen Joseph was born on August 22nd at 8:50. He weighed 6 pounds 14 ounces and he was 19 and a half inches long, he is a sweet baby who likes to sleep all day and party all night. Miley and Samantha are over the moon for him and love to hold him all the time. Miley has been such a big helper already, she is so proud of him she tells all her friends that she is a big sister and still wants to wear her big sister shirt that GiGi got her everyday. Kevin goes back to work next week and My mom heads back to Idaho so it shall be a big adjustment. I will keep everyone informed as much as possible.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Staying cool!!
The house has been so hot, the inside temps have been in the high 80's outside has been in the 90's and hundreds. We have been doing everything to stay cool. Bernie and Andrea invited us out on the boat and we couldn't turn them down, it was only 97 this day. Miley was a very good boater and we had a great time.
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