Saturday, May 15, 2010

Kellen 8 Months Old

I can't believe how big my little man is getting. Kellen is full of personality and has mastered his high pitch scream thanks to his sister. He stood by himself the other day, not holding on to anything, and seems to have no fear what so ever. He has been cruising around the furniture getting more brave every day. I am so not ready for him so be walking I want him to stay my little baby for a little longer. He is such a happy baby and easy to please, his favorite things right now are Cheerios and hanging out with other little people, especially his sister.

End of Itty Bitty T-Ball

Miley fell at preschool, on mom's day and did a faceplant off the swing. Of course this was picture day for T-Ball. Miley ended her first T-ball season this weekend and it was a blast. All of our friends and family came and supported her it was great. She loved it and by the last few games the team really was looking sharp, for 3 year olds. She is already looking forward to soccer, which starts next week.
I think we are going to have a little competitor on our hands. So fun to watch at this age.

Mom's Day

I had a great Mothers day this year, we started off at the Lentz's, where the guys where in charge of brunch and it turned out great, I think this shall be the new tradition. We took lots of pictures and then made our way to the park to enjoy the sunshine. Then to My Dad and Kim's for and early dinner. Best part of all I slept in until almost 9!!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Birthdays and more Baseball!!

My Mom came into town so that we could take a night away to celebrate our good friend Michelle's 40th Birthday. We had so much fun we forgot to take pictures, these are the only two I have, not even one of the Birthday girl!! We went to the Tulalip Casino and had a lot of fun catching up with friends.

Miley's 2nd T-ball game. Paca, GiGi, Uncle D and Lesley came to watch.

Mom's Happy Cake!

Last year in My 20's

My Mommy was here to cook my Birthday dinner and make me a cake!! With lots of help from Miley of course, she gets her baking in every time Gigi comes into town.

Sesame Street Live!

Andrea and I took our Big girls to Sesame street live for a girls night out. The girls had a blast, we went to McDonald's for dinner and then hit the Tacoma Dome for the show. Miley was disappointed that she wasn't called on stage with them, she kept asking when they were going to say her name. Nobody else got to go on stage but she had it in her head that she was going to, it was pretty funny. We had a fun night out, Andrea and I agree, girls night out isn't what it used to be.