Saturday, October 15, 2011

Pumpkin Patch

Potty Training!!

We have started potty training Kellen, he has lots of good days and then some really bad. But he impresses my with how few times he pees the bed over night or during nap. Such a big boy with his "big boy unders" he gets very mad if you try and help him take them off. Notice he still can't part with his Binky.

Kellen's 2 year pics at Chambers

Did the Puyallup!

The kids had so much fun at the fair this year. Kellen was able to go on most rides and loved it, Miley wanted her face painted and cotton candy. She had to go on a roller coaster, she has no fear of rides loves them, next year she said her and mommy have to go on the big roller coasters.